
Memories about rural life in my village are the focal point of my work. I am interested in themes such as closeness and togetherness, as well as simplicity and slowness which are mostly related to farmland and nature in my village.

I dive into my past and attempt to capture moments that I have experienced from a young age. The images refer to my memories from the village, Shijian Cun, where I grew up as a child in the countryside of South China.

My work is characterized by earthly tones which reflect this landscape. During the making process, I bring my base to the land and work as a farmer by bending over or kneeling on the land or collaborating with other people and livestock as ways of producing. My materials stem from the land and nature and my techniques originate from rural life which in essence could be seen as mirroring a farmer’s relationship to their land and nature.

With my work, I not only give a glimpse into my personal background, but also turn the focus towards the present moment where a lack of knowledge and experience about rural life is increasing and to evoke people’s interest in rural reality.

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" 乡愁是一枚小小的邮票,我在这头,母亲在那头。"

对家乡农村生活的记忆是我作品的关注点,我的兴趣点在乡土里 亲密、淳朴的归属感,这主题大部分与乡野、农田和自然相关联。

回忆过去,我尝试抓住过去那些曾经的瞬间 , 是我出生和成长的 南方乡愁。

我的作品以反映这种风土色调为特征。在制作过程中, 我把工 作场所设定在田地里,弯腰跪地体验面朝黄土背朝天的农业传统, 在人和牲畜合作与互动中完成作品。我的作品材料源于大地和自 然,技术源于农耕生活,并从本质上反映中国农村和农业的、农 民与土地以及自然的关系。